Head of Department: Dr. R.K.Srivastava
Government Science College, Jabalpur is the only Government college in the state offering UG, PG and Ph.D. courses in Environmental Science as a separate subject.
About Department: The Department of Environmental Scicence came into existence in the year 1988 when Post Graduate classes started in the year 1988. Looking to the Popularity of this subject, it was also started at undergraduate level in the year 1991 as one combination with Chemistry and Zoology and another with Chemistry and Geology. The Department has formulated a dynamic and relevant curriculum and endowed with an excellent infrastructure.
Academic Society
The Academic Society of Environmental Science comprises Post Graduate students of this subjects as office bearers, staff members and all students of PG are the members of this Academic Society.
The Academic Society Environmental Science has organized many academic events in the past years. The society is exposing and equating students to newer and current areas of competitiveness. The Academic Society helps in the overall development of the student and they are highly motivated, well informed and better prepared for the future. The society conducted following lectures in the past years. The Society Organizes Seminars of PG students which comprises presentation by lecture and slides on any topic related to syllabus, followed by through interaction and discussion among teachers and students. The society also organizes Quiz, Debates and other competitions to inculcate the feeling of confidence in them which helps in their overall development, so they are well informed to face the challenge of current areas of competitiveness.
Indian Institute Of Tropical Meteorological, Pune (Ministry Of Earth Science Govt. of India, New Delhi) has signed an MOU with Govt. Model Science College, (Autonomous) Jabalpur M.P. according to this MOU, the IITM, Pune has established an air quality monitoring station in the Environmental Research Laboratory of this college. In the air quality monitoring station, IITM has installed instruments worth Rs. 1.00 crore and above and has appointed an engineer for the maintenance of these instruments. Continuous air quality monitoring is done with the help of these instruments. The data recorded is sent directly to IITM and is being utilized in this laboratory also. Under the MOU, there will be free exchange of scientists/faculties and students from both the institution. This is the only station of this kind in whole of central India. Along with the, a major research project has also been awarded under the principal investigatiorship of Dr. R. K. Srivastava according worth Rs. 20.32Lacs. Two senior research fellowships are also awarded in this project. One PhD has been awarded and two are registered under the joint supervisiorship of Dr. R. K. Srivastava and Dr. Gufran Beig of IITM, Pune.
Following parameters are monitored trough sophisticated instruments.
Ozone (O3)
Methane (CH4)
The instruments installed are –
1.Win Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (WinAAQMS):
The pollutants for which sampling and analytical techniques discussed are particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and gaseous pollutants – NOx, O3, CO. In addition, methods for meteorological parameters such as Wind Speed, Temperature, Pressure, Rain Fall and Relative Humidity are also discussed in the ambient air and for this measurement many methods are used previously. The regular monitoring campaign of national ambient air quality includes measurement of PM typically for 24 hours.
WinAQMS is a Windows based system which provides full control over the entire system (remote and onsite) enabling automatic calibrations to be performed and system errors to be monitored. WinAQMS interfaces to analyzers via a RS232 multi-drop serial link, through a USB link or via TCP/IP network link. This allows it to collect data directly from the instruments in digital format thus eliminating digital to analog and analog to digital conversion errors. The bi-directional interface also allows a remote central computer, running Ecotech’s WinCollect software, to access full control and diagnostics of the analyzers used and data to be collected remotely.
2. Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM): The Met One instruments model BAM-1020 automatically measures and records airborne particulate concentration levels of PM10 (Particulate matter less than 10 microns) and PM2.5 (Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns) using the principal of beta ray attenuation.
3. EC9830 Carbon Monoxide Analyzer (CO): Carbon monoxide absorbs infrared radiations (IR) at wavelengths near 4.7 microns; therefore, the presence and the amount of CO can be determined by the amount of absorption of the IR.
5. EC9810 Ozone Analyser (O3): Ozone exhibits strong absorption in the ultraviolet spectrum around 250nanometers (nm). The EC9810 ozone analyzer exploits this absorption feature to accurately measure ozone concentrations to less than 0.5ppb. A stream switched, single beam photometer serves as the basis for the EC 9810.
6. EC9841 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer (NOX): The EC9841 analyzer uses gas-phase chemilluminescence detection to perform continuous analysis of nitric oxide (NO), total oxides of nitrogen (NOX), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The EC9841 design represents an advance in nitrogen oxides analysis technology achieved primarily by using adaptive microprocessor control of a single measurements channel.
7. GC ALPHA 115 Methane: The instrument is built for a 19” rack. We advise to reserve an extra-space of 1 standard HU (at a bottom and on a top) for the instrument ventilation .Mounting on a rail is advised.
The system has touch screen, in addition you are provided with a mouse and a keyboard.
Gas fittings:
Pressure regulators must be of gas chromatographic quality i.e. must be dust free and should not absorb or emit hydrocarbons.
Gases needed for Alpha 115:
It is use of a combination of hydrogen and Zero air generator, like provided, for example, by LNI from Geneva, Switzerland. The zero air must be equipped with a catalytic methane scrubber.
FID detector needs hydrogen flame to generate a signal. For this purpose hydrogen and clean air are needed. Zero air is also used as carrier gas in a column.
8) AWS (Automatic Weather Station) –
This instrument provides metrological data e.g. wind speed, pressure, humidity, temperature, wind direction and rain fall with the help of intercept-software. It gives every 10 minutes data.
Another MOU has also been signed between the Environmental Research Laboratory of the college and Narmada Gelatine Factory, Bhedaghat Road Jabalpur for collaborative Research and for the benefit of PG students to complete project and internship.
Instrument available in the Environmental Research Laboratory-
1) Flame Photometer
2) Electronic balance
3) Hot Plate
4) Electronic Colony counter
5) Water analyzing kit
6) Spectrophotometer
7) Incubator shaker
8) Hot air oven
9) Respirable dust sampler
10) Magnetic stirrer
11) Bacteriological incubator
12) Air sampler
13) Centrifuge
14) Auto exhaust analyzer
15) Environmental test chamber
Researches have been conducted/are being conducted in the following areas.
Air pollution
Noise pollution
Industrial pollution
River pollution
Interstitial fauns
Bio remediation
Bio medical waste
Environmental impact assessment
Waste utilization
1. Upgrading the quality of effluents (with special reference to heavy metals) by utilization of waste materials – Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Rs. 14.00 Lacs.
2. Studies on the effects of waste discharges from Gelatin Factory of Bhedaghat (Jabalpur) on the surrounding environment M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal Rs. 4.80 Lacs.
3. Studies on Ecology of river GOUR with special reference to water quality monitoring at Jabalpur, UGC 1.25 Lacs.
4 Influence of pollution on the interstitial fauna in river Narmada at Jabalpur, UGC Rs. 1.25 Lacs.
5 Modeling atmospheric pollution and networking. IITM, Pune, Ministry of Earth Science, New Delhi, Rs. 20.32 Lacs.