Name | : | Dr. Rajshree Roselean Saberio (Kapoor) |
Highest Degree | : | Doctor of Philosophy In English Literature |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (English) |
Expertise | : | English Literature, English Language, Communicative English |
Address | : | Office: Government Science College, Model & Autonomous, Jabalpur, (M.P.) |
Residence: 281, New Delite Campus, Civil Line, Jabalpur (M.P.) | ||
Phone | : | 09926687820 (M) Office: 0761-2678737, Fax – 0761-2621272 |
: |, Email Office: |
Name | Programme | Institution/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | “Tradition and Modernity in Indian Women’s Lives in Manju Kapurs Fiction” Sub: English Literature | Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) | Nov. 2014 |
P.G. | English Literature (M.A.) | Department of P.G. & Research in English, Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce (Auto) P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) (R.D.U.) Jabalpur | 1995 |
U.G. | B.Sc. Biology Science (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry) | Hawabagh Women’s College, Jabalpur, M.P. (R.D.U.) Jabalpur | 1993 |
Others | · Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Teaching Subjects English & Chemistry | Hawabagh Women’s College, Jabalpur, M.P. (R.D.U.) Jabalpur | 1996 |
· Basics Certificate Course in M.S. Office Computer | Y.M.C.A. Computer Training Centre, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 1997 |
Articles in Journal/Books: 2012-2013
S. No. | Title | Name of Journal/ Vol. No./ Issue No. Page No. | ISSN No./ ISBN No. | Date Published |
1. | ICT Enabled Teaching: A Prominent and Innovative Resource | Online ELTAI Jabalpur Chapter ELTAI Blog | Registration No. 3000749 | 25th August, 2017 |
2. | Self and Identity in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughter’s | Global English Oriental Research Journal (GEORJ) | Vol.2, Issue-2 ISSN 2454-5511 | 2nd September, 2016 |
3. | Human Responses Towards Environment | Global English Oriental Research Journal (GEORJ) | Vol.2, Issue-1 ISSN 2454-5511 | March 2016 |
4. | Anticipating the New Woman in Indian English Fiction with Special Reference to Anita Desai and Manju Kapur’s Fiction | Book: Meaning of the text Post Modern Issues in Indian English Fiction Article No. 25, Pg. 189-192
Edited by: Dr. J.P. Singh, Radha Pub, New Delhi |
ISBN- 978-81-7487- 911-0 | 2015 |
5. | Evolution of Throughout of Swami Vivekananda in Modern Education | Book: Shiksha Ke Ajastra Strot: Swami Vivekananda Article No. 19, Pg. No. 41-42 | ISBN- 978-81-7487- 911-0 | 2015 |
6. | Primary Means to Empower Students of Higher Education | Conference Proceeding: In spotlight Again English Language & Literature Article No. 47 | Vidcon – 2013, ELTAI 5th National & 9th Inter National Vidarbha Conference | 2013 |
S. No. | Name of Seminar | Title of the Article | Role | Type of Programme | Venue/Place | Date |
1. | Innovative Trends in English Language & Literature | ICT Enabled Teaching: Prominent and Innovative Resource | Presenter | National Seminar Cum Workshop U.G.C. Sponsored ELTAI, Jabalpur | Department of English & Research, Govt. Mahakaushal Arts & Commerce Autonomous, P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 25th & 26th August, 2017 |
2. | New English Literature of the Decolonized | Indian Writing in English of the 21st Century. | Presenter | National Seminar UGC Sponsored, Central Regional Office, Bhopal (M.P.) | Department of P.G. and Research Studies in English, Hawabagh P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 21st & 22nd March, 2017 |
3. | Role of Women in Energy and Development | Contribution of Women Entrepreneurs in the Development of Indian Economy. | Presenter | National Seminar | Women Studies & Research Centre & U.G.C. Community College, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 7th Sep. 2017 |
4. | Emerging New Identities in Dalit Tribal Literature and Society | Depiction of Social Stratification in Cinema | Presenter | International Seminar | Department of P.G. Studies and Research in English Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, M.P. | 2nd, 4th Sep. 2016 |
5. | Marginalization of Women: Challenges & Prospects towards Empowerment | Women on the Way to Empowerment. | Presenter | National Seminar | Women’s Studies and Research Centre, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 5th-6th Nov., 2015 |
6. | Environmental Conservation: Challenges & Remedies | The Three R’s – An Eco friendly Approach to Promote. Environmental Conservation | Presenter | National Seminar Sponsored by D.H.E, Bhopal | Department of Environment Studies. Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous), Jbp, M.P. | 19th-20th March, 2015 |
7. | Wildlife Conservation and Management in the 21st Century | Wildlife and Literature | Presenter | National Seminar U.G.C. Sponsored CRO, Bhopal | Department of Zoology, Hawabagh P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 11th-12th Feb., 2015 |
8. | Post Modern Issues in Indian English Fiction | Anticipating the New Women in Indian English Fiction with Special Reference to Anita Desai and Manju Kapur | Submitted | National Seminar U.G.C. Sponsored CRO, Bhopal | Dr. Bhagwat Sahai, Govt. College, Gwalior, M.P. Department of P.G. English | 22nd-23rd Feb., 2014 |
9. | Changing Scenario of Education System | Role of Teachers in the Present Education Scenario | Presenter | National Seminar U.G.C. Sponsored | M.H. College of Home Science and Science for Women, Jabalpur, M.P. | 21st-22nd Feb., 2014 |
10. | Myth, History, Tradition and Modernity in Indian English Drama | “Tradition of Ramlila: A Masterpiece of the Oral & Intangible Heritage of Humanity” | Presenter | National Research Seminar | Department of English, Govt. Autonomous P.G. College, Chhindwara (M.P.) | 4th-6th Feb., 2013 |
11. | Shiksha Ke Ajasthra Strota: Swami Vivekananda | Evolution of Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda in Modern Education | Presenter | National Seminar Sponsored by D.H.E. Bhopal (M.P.) | Government M.H. Home Science & Science Women’s College Autonomous, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 16th-17th January 2013 |
12. | Population Growth & Environmental Degradation: Problem & Prospects | Human Responses to Environment Development and Management | Presenter | National Seminar U.G.C. Sponsored CRO, Bhopal | Hawabagh P.G. Women’s College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 9th-10th October, 2013 |
13. | English Language Teaching and Learning A Holistic Approach | Popularity of English as a Global Language | Presenter | National Seminar Sponsored by D.H.E. Bhopal (M.P.) | Department of P.G. Studies in English, Govt. Mahakaushal Arts and Commerce P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 19th -20th March 2012 |
14. | Changing Trends in New Indian Poetry in English: Challenges and Direction | “The Contribution of Kamala Das to New Indian English Poetry” | Presenter | National Seminar U.G.C. Sponsored | Department of P.G. English St. Aloysius P.G. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 10th-11th Feb., 2012 |
S. No. | Name of Seminar | Title of the Article | Role | Type of Programme | Venue/Place | Date |
1. | Transformation for Empowerment: Moving Beyond Buzzword | The Rise of the New Women in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughter’s | Submitter | International Conference | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS-2016) University of Sri Jayawardenepure, Srilanka | 10th-11th Nov., 2016 |
2. | Mapping the Matrix of Contemporary Indian Literature in English | Human Responses to Environment, Development and Management | Presenter | National Conference U.G.C. Sponsored | Department of English Dhempe College of Arts & Science, Miramar, Goa | 24th-25th March, 2015 |
3. | Learning and Teaching English in India: Setting Standards | “Teaching Language Through Literature” | Submitter | 10th International & 46th National Annual ELTAI Conference | Raj Kumar Goal Institute of Technology for Women, Ghaziabad | 9th-11th July 2015 |
4. | Engineering and Applied Science | ‘Arts of Communication’ | Presenter | National Conference Sponsored by Directorate of Technical Education Bhopal, M.P. | Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | 22nd-23rd March, 2013 |
5. | AINET International Conference | Primary Means to Empower Higher Education Studies in Today’s Competitive Scenario | Presenter | 5th National & 9th Vidarbha ELTAI Conference, VIDCON 2013 | Sharad Chandra Arts and Commerce College, Nagpur Maharashtra | 18th-19th January, 2013 |
6. | ‘Teaching English for Employability TEE-2013’ | ‘Role of Importance of Communication Skills’ | Presenter | International Conference TEE 2013, Supported by Regional English Language Office U.S. and British Council ACE Alumni Association | Annamal College of Education for Women, Thootaukudi | 21st‑22nd Nov., 2013 |
S. No. | Name of Seminar | Title of the Article | Role | Type of Programme | Venue/Place | Date |
1. | Teaching and Learning English as Second Language | ‘Problems in Learning and Using English’ | Submitter | Symposium in Collaboration with ELTAI Jabalpur | Department of P.G. Studies and Research in English Government Mahakoushal Arts & Commerce, P.G. College, JBP (M.P.) | 22nd March, 2014 |
Own M.Phil/ Ph.D. Thesis | |||||
S.No. | Title | Guide Name | Institution | Status | Month & Year |
1. | “Tradition and Modernity in Indian Women’s Lives in Manju Kapurs Fiction” | Dr. Vinita Kaur Saluja | Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) | Awarded to Self | November 2014 |
S. NO. | Name of the workshop/ FDP/ Training Prog. | Name of Organiser | Level | Date |
1. | Science & Technology for Sustainable Future | Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad & Govt. Science College (Model & Auto.) Jabalpur | National Level | 24th-28th February, 2018 |
2. | Science & Technology Communication and Popularization | JIGYASA at Gyan Ganga Institute of Science & Technology | National Level | 13th-17th Nov, 2017 |
3 | Workshop : ‘E-Governance’ | Organizsed by Govt. Science College (Model & Auto.) Jabalpur (M.P.) Sponsored by U.G.C. New Delhi Under CPE Scheme phase III | National Level | 15th-19th January, 2018 |
4. | F.D.P. in Entrepreneurship | Organized by NSTEDB New Delhi, CRISP, at Govt. Polytechnic College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | National Level | 29th March-09th April, 2016 |
5. | F.D.P. in Business Communication & Soft Skills in Corporate Culture | Organised by Dept. of English, ICT Academy, IIITDM, Jabalpur | National Level | 19th-25th December 2015 |
6. | Approaches for Excellence and Quality Development in Higher Education | Organised at Govt. Science College (Model & Auto.) Jabalpur (M.P.) under CPE scheme Phase II | National Level Conducted & Coordinated by Dr. R.R. Kapoor | 15th-20th Sept. 2014 |
7. | Vidyarthiyon ke Vyaktitva Vikas Mein Manovigyan Ki Upyogita Evam Shikshako Ki Bhumi Ka | Govt. Model Science Auto. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) CPE Scheme Phase-II | National Level | 25th-30th Aug., 2014 |
8. | Refresher Course in Environmental Issue in India | U.G.C. Sponsored by Academic Staff College, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur | National Level, Obtained Grade ‘A’ | 02nd-21st April, 2012 |
9. | Kahani Lekhan | Govt. Mahakaoshal Art & Commerce P.G. College, Dept. of Hindi, Jabalpur | National Level | 07-13th Nov., 2016 |
10. | Effective Presentation Skills | Dept. of English Studies and Research, Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce P.G. College, Jabalpur in Association with ELTAI | State Level | 03rd-4th Nov., 2015 |
11. | Science and Technology Communication and Popularization | Govt. Model Science Auto. College & Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad. | National Level | 04th-10th October, 2015 |
12. | New Education Policy: 2015 – Suggestion | Department of Education, G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur (M.P.) | National Level | 28th Sept., 2015 |
13. | ‘Shodh Patra lekhan’ | Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce P.G. College, Jabalpur, Dept. of Hindi | National Level | 16th-21st March, 2015 |
14. | Selection Titles for Research in English | Department of P.G. Studies and Research in English, Rani Dugavati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) | National Level | 27th-28th Sept. 2014 |
15. | ‘Growing Surge for New Technologies are We Ready to Satisfy the Expectation’ | JIGYASA, Govt. Model Science Auto., College, Jabalpur (M.P.) | National Level | 15th-21st Sept., 2013 |
16. | Professional Development | Department of U.G. and P.G. Govt., Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce Auto. College, Jabalpur (M.P.) & ELTAI, Jabalpur Chapter | State Level | 02nd February, 2013 |
17. | ‘Item Writing and Evaluation’ | Govt. Model Science Auto College, Jabalpur, M.P. Sponsored by UGC, Phase-II | National Level | 18th-23rd March 2013 |
18. | Recent Trends in Higher Education | Navyug Arts & Commerce College, Jabalpur (M.P.) Sponsored by U.G.C. Central Regional Office, Bhopal | National Level | 06th-07th Sept., 2013 |
S. NO. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/ Others | Description | Organization | Month/Year |
1. | Conducted Plenary Session in ELTAI Workshop | ‘I.C.T. Enabled Teaching’ | Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce P.G. College, Jabalpur, Deptt. of English | Aug, 2017 |
2. | Chairperson At 2nd & 3rd Session At Workshop ELTAI | “Problems of Teaching and Learning English” | Department of English Languages, Literature & Research, Govt. Mahakoshal Arts & Commerce P.G. College, Jabalpur, (M.P.) | 2014 |
3. | Resource Person in Short Term Certificate Course. Power Point Presentation “Effective Presentation Skill” | Improve Your English and Personality Development” | Organized by Department of English, Govt. Science (Model & Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.) | February, 2016 |
4. | Convener of the Personality Development Cell | Initiative of the D.H.E., Bhopal | Govt. Science (Model & Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.) | Year 2015 to 2017 |
5. | Convener of Gitanjali English Literary Society | Initiative of the College to Promote Literary Skills in English | Govt. Science (Model & Auto) Jabalpur (M.P.) | Since Year 2014 |
6. | Member of ‘SHAKTI’ | National Women’s Revolution | Mahakoshal Division, Jabalpur (M.P.) | Since 2014 onwards |
7. | Member of ‘ELTAI’ | English Language Teacher’s Association of India | ELTAI- Registered Member 30000749 | Since 2011 Onwards |